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Scott Aughtmon, Intuit and Direct Response Content MarketingHANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT:A Step-by-Step Guide to Audience DevelopmentDiscover the Secrets to Successful Content Creation How many buyer personas do we need?Depending on your business, you could have as few as one or two personas, or as many as or But if you’re new to personas, start small! You can always develop more personas later if needed.Pamela Vaughn, HubSpot (How to Create Detailed Buyer Personas for Your Business)HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT:Yes, You Do Need New Personas NowDo You Think Stereotypes and Personas Are Synonymous? How do we manage all the different audiences?For example, instead of producing three original versions of an email, include the same offers and calls to action in all, but change the openings to address each audience’s unique pain points.

Dianna Huff, Huff Industrial Marketing (Make Your Content swiss whatsapp number Do Double Duty When Writing to Multiple Audiences)HANDPICKED About the Tea: How to Make Buyer Personas That Really SatisfyWhy We Are Still Talking About Email in Why won’t people come to our content?The short answer is that people in charge lacked a basic understanding of SEO. A slightly longer answer is they didn’t do link building and outreach, or perhaps they didn’t produce content that was “linkworthy” in the first place.Stephan Spencer, strategist and consultantImagine a store would open in the middle of the desert.

Would you go? Even if you knew it existed, you would probably not go – unless that store had unique value to offer you. If you want people to come to your content, you need to:Create unique content that they can’t get anywhere else. If you’re just getting started, make sure you start with a WOW factor – for example, invite an influencer to write a guest post or interview a key figure in your industry. That will help you get initial traction.
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