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What is Email Accessibility?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 10:19 am
by aminulislam6t9t
User-Generated Content
In the age of social media, everybody wants to share their opinion. Luckily, this can create some serious marketing material for your business—a.k.a, user-generated content.

User-generated content includes any original content about your business usa business email list created by an individual (not your brand). This precious content comes in many forms, including:

Social media posts
Q&A Forums
Blog posts
Hashtag campaigns
People trust other people’s opinions more than a branded advertisement. And in this digital age, it’s the closest thing to word-of-mouth recommendations. In fact, 79% of people reported that user-generated content impacts their shopping decisions, compared to 13% for brand content or 8% for influencer content.2

Curious to include user-generated content in your email marketing? Start by including snippets of testimonials, reviews, and customer photographs of your products in your promotional emails. You can also generate more user content by encouraging participation. Send out polls, hold photo contests, or ask users to comment on a social media post.

email marketing services

#3 AI Usage
Data is the currency of modern marketing. However, humans can only handle so much information at once—that’s where AI picks up the slack.

In 2022, artificial intelligence will become more important than ever to marketing (and many other industries). AI can store, track, and utilize numerous pieces of customer data, creating a more effective email marketing strategy. . For example, email AI software can help:
Write effective subject lines
Determine optimal send times
Personalize email newsletter and content
Update address lists
Track customer response
Customize promotions
In short, AI simply streamlines and improves all data-driven aspects of email marketing. And as a bonus, this data optimization creates a higher ROI—41% of marketing professionals agree that AI’s top benefit is improved revenue.3 Step into the future (and higher profits) with AI-supported email campaigns and other email list management tools.