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Text information should be diluted with graphic images

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 10:30 am
by rakibhasan542
Monitor the quality of content. Also, do not forget about the EAT algorithm, which Google relies on when determining the quality of published content. It is based on expertise, authority, and reliability.

The author of the article must be an expert in the field he writes about. Even if the text is written by hand by a copywriter, it must be checked by a specialist before publication. Tell about the authors of the blog in more detail, write about their achievements, work experience, provide links to social networks.

Add graphic images. . Mandatory condition: images should be unique. Also, adding graphs, charts, tables is welcome in the article. They will help to capture the user's attention for a long time.

Publish articles in a timely manner. Make sure that articles are published with a certain frequency. Don't add 5 articles in a row at once and then disappear for months. And wonder why the site hasn't made it to the top lines yet. You can't get search robots with quantity, you need quality.

Update and supplement previously published entries. As 100% active phone number list a site optimization, it is recommended to periodically check and edit those articles that have long been popular with users and have already brought enough traffic to the site.

As you know, a search robot will index an already known page faster than a new one. What can be optimized?


Check the keywords. See what "keys" the article is promoted by, and change them to more advantageous phrases.
Update the dates. Sometimes simply changing the dates is enough to get an article to start collecting traffic again.
Update the information. Make sure that the information you write is up-to-date. If previously published tips and recommended services no longer work, feel free to edit the post and correct it to something new.
Add videos. Nowadays, most users prefer to watch videos rather than read texts because it is much easier and faster for them to perceive information. Therefore, if you have video content that you can share, be sure to include it in the article.

So, we have not told you about all the secrets of website promotion using text content, but only left the initial recommendations for its writing. Following them, you can raise the site in search results, but without content optimization, we cannot give you a 100% guarantee that the site will be on the first lines.

We promise you that in the next article we will reveal to you all the secrets of promoting a blog in search engines:)