Debunking Email Marketing Myths: Debunk Them Now!
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 10:17 am
If there is one thing that is clear to us, it is that, in the digital world, one of the tools that lasts the longest and endures the most is -without a doubt- Email Marketing: an effective and efficient technique, which perfectly meets the demands and needs of companies. Therefore, we understand why, even today, it is still used as much or more than on the first day.
However, as expected (and as happens in any situation and/or discipline), everything that is successful also generates myths that many people mistakenly consider to be true and that can undoubtedly generate misunderstandings.
Big myths of Email Marketing
Myths are, of course, false statements propagated in the sector, which can lead some people to mistakenly understand some argument as true. However, and, although you could easily tell us that who are we to deny something that has been heard "out there " for years, we mauritius business email list must tell you that - as experts in the field - it goes against our principles to lie about something like this. And, wait!, because, as if that were not enough, all the myths that we are going to debunk here and now are surely phrases that you have already heard out there .
«Nobody uses the Email Marketing technique anymore»
To debunk this myth, we only need to refer to two quotes taken from recent studies: the first says that, according to Forbes, Email Marketing is one of the favorite methods of communication among the Millennial Generation . The second, and according to Oberlo, every dollar invested in Email Marketing generates a return of 32… Anything else to say?
Email Marketing is one of the favorite methods of communication among the Millennial Generation.
«There is a time of day that is key to sending emails»
And… we ask ourselves: if this were the case, why do we receive newsletters and informative bulletins at different and diverse times of the day? If, indeed, as this statement says, there were a magic moment to send emails, wouldn’t it be the key hour when our inbox was filled with hundreds and hundreds of emails? Or, better yet: wouldn’t the experts in the field and/or those of us who work on mass email sending tools, such as Mittum, know this?
“Subject lines that are too long are not good.”
#ctaText??# How to integrate Email campaigns with Social Media?
Let's see, let's see... let's not get carried away with this. It is true that on many occasions we have told you that it is much more advisable to go straight to the point with your message, but the fact of sending a long subject line does not mean, directly, that the campaign is going to be a failure . In fact, most of the times when we mention this point we refer, above all, to a question of visibility in the inbox depending on the device. As with everything: there are exceptions. If your sentence is long but intriguing, it may be more advisable to launch your campaign with that subject rather than with a short and extremely generic one.
«Unsubscribing from a newsletter is always negative for companies»
In general, this question - like all others - can vary depending on many factors: obviously, when a user stops using our brand's services, it is possible that they unsubscribe (in fact, many times it is not even due to a direct issue with the brand or the content, but because they are no longer a direct target of the brand. For example: in the case of a first-time mother who unsubscribes from a newsletter about breastfeeding products), and nothing would happen, since it is part of the natural process of a user . However, if it happens in large quantities and/or in an extremely repeated manner, then we should stop and consider what the cause could be.
«We can only send content with the same theme one time in particular»
Well, to dispel this myth, the best thing to do is to give an example that clearly and simply shows the situation. Let's imagine that we have created an extremely powerful email - in terms of content and design - that you are 100% sure will give optimal results in your ROI. However, something goes wrong, and when you analyze your metrics, you realize that you have only achieved a 20% opening rate. What does this mean? It means that 80% of your users have not even clicked on your message... they have not even opened it! For this reason ( and no other ) they have missed your spectacular content and design. But, nevertheless, you are sure that - if they had clicked - they would have surely made the purchase. So... why can't you send that message again, to that 80% of users who have not clicked? Send it again, with a different subject line and... try your luck.
However, as expected (and as happens in any situation and/or discipline), everything that is successful also generates myths that many people mistakenly consider to be true and that can undoubtedly generate misunderstandings.
Big myths of Email Marketing
Myths are, of course, false statements propagated in the sector, which can lead some people to mistakenly understand some argument as true. However, and, although you could easily tell us that who are we to deny something that has been heard "out there " for years, we mauritius business email list must tell you that - as experts in the field - it goes against our principles to lie about something like this. And, wait!, because, as if that were not enough, all the myths that we are going to debunk here and now are surely phrases that you have already heard out there .
«Nobody uses the Email Marketing technique anymore»
To debunk this myth, we only need to refer to two quotes taken from recent studies: the first says that, according to Forbes, Email Marketing is one of the favorite methods of communication among the Millennial Generation . The second, and according to Oberlo, every dollar invested in Email Marketing generates a return of 32… Anything else to say?
Email Marketing is one of the favorite methods of communication among the Millennial Generation.
«There is a time of day that is key to sending emails»
And… we ask ourselves: if this were the case, why do we receive newsletters and informative bulletins at different and diverse times of the day? If, indeed, as this statement says, there were a magic moment to send emails, wouldn’t it be the key hour when our inbox was filled with hundreds and hundreds of emails? Or, better yet: wouldn’t the experts in the field and/or those of us who work on mass email sending tools, such as Mittum, know this?
“Subject lines that are too long are not good.”
#ctaText??# How to integrate Email campaigns with Social Media?
Let's see, let's see... let's not get carried away with this. It is true that on many occasions we have told you that it is much more advisable to go straight to the point with your message, but the fact of sending a long subject line does not mean, directly, that the campaign is going to be a failure . In fact, most of the times when we mention this point we refer, above all, to a question of visibility in the inbox depending on the device. As with everything: there are exceptions. If your sentence is long but intriguing, it may be more advisable to launch your campaign with that subject rather than with a short and extremely generic one.
«Unsubscribing from a newsletter is always negative for companies»
In general, this question - like all others - can vary depending on many factors: obviously, when a user stops using our brand's services, it is possible that they unsubscribe (in fact, many times it is not even due to a direct issue with the brand or the content, but because they are no longer a direct target of the brand. For example: in the case of a first-time mother who unsubscribes from a newsletter about breastfeeding products), and nothing would happen, since it is part of the natural process of a user . However, if it happens in large quantities and/or in an extremely repeated manner, then we should stop and consider what the cause could be.
«We can only send content with the same theme one time in particular»
Well, to dispel this myth, the best thing to do is to give an example that clearly and simply shows the situation. Let's imagine that we have created an extremely powerful email - in terms of content and design - that you are 100% sure will give optimal results in your ROI. However, something goes wrong, and when you analyze your metrics, you realize that you have only achieved a 20% opening rate. What does this mean? It means that 80% of your users have not even clicked on your message... they have not even opened it! For this reason ( and no other ) they have missed your spectacular content and design. But, nevertheless, you are sure that - if they had clicked - they would have surely made the purchase. So... why can't you send that message again, to that 80% of users who have not clicked? Send it again, with a different subject line and... try your luck.