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[UPDATED] Which CRM System Is Best For Your Business? Top 13 CRM Systems...

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 6:55 am
by ujjal22
Good customer relationship management (CRM) is essential to harnessing the sales potential of a "customer" base, which includes contacts with whom business has already been done and those who have shown interest but have not yet made a purchase.

It is important to remember that for most businesses, only a small percentage of sales are achieved quickly and without having to maintain some type of ongoing relationship with each potential customer.

If we don't cultivate relationships with those who may be interested in purchasing a product or service from us in the future, we'll be missing out on a substantial amount of sales. We must play our cards right and get potential customers to a point where we can make a sales pitch they simply can't refuse.

The need to maintain contact with a customer base is obvious. country b2b b2c email list A wide range of relevant information can come in handy at one time or another. We need to keep track of things like what a customer (or potential customer) expressed interest in, what kind of offer we made, whether they expressed any dissatisfaction, whether they were satisfied with the purchase they made, etc.

It's a good idea to collect information that might be indirectly useful, such as birthdays (to send a personalized greeting), hobbies, marital status, fields of interest, and other data.

We should keep track of everything we can pull out of the hat at the right time to help us close the deal. CRM systems are designed to help us collect and use relevant information.

A solid CRM system provides a clear picture of each potential customer's situation. Such a system allows us to use the data collected in a way that allows us to better serve our customers, as well as try to interest them in buying from us again by offering them, at the most opportune times, deals on other products or services.

This post has compiled brief reviews of 13 CRM systems generally considered to be the best available. We outline the relative advantages and disadvantages of each system so you can evaluate which one is most likely to serve you best.


It is crucial to realize that times have changed. In the past, small and medium-sized businesses were forced to manage CRM without using a CRM system. This is no longer true, thanks to cloud computing that has brought about efficient and easy-to-use CRM software development that businesses of any size can benefit from.

Here are the 13 best CRM systems:
Infusionsoft by Keap
Bitrix24 CRM
Insightful CRM
ProsperWorks CRM (now Copper)

Salesflare is a simple yet powerful CRM for small businesses that sell B2B. It can be easily integrated with customer data platforms . It automates all of your customer data so you can stop entering data. That means you can build better relationships and generate more sales instead.

If you're looking for a practical, visual, and easy-to-use sales machine, Salesflare is probably what you're looking for. It takes no time to set up and is super easy to keep up to date thanks to all of its built-in automation. Pricing is $35 per user/month for full functionality, which includes everything, even the ability to send combined email campaigns - a no-brainer for small businesses.


A CRM system that is easy to integrate and operate. This system features a friendly and intuitive user interface. This ensures that as many staff members as possible can benefit from its use. The mobile app for use in the field is also exceptionally user-friendly, ensuring that all relevant data is available anytime, anywhere.

This system excels at data collection and archiving, but offers fewer features than many other CRM systems. The most basic package costs $12.50 per month per user, and the most expensive is $63 per month per user.


An intelligent and easy-to-use CRM system that offers access to all data collected from each customer from anywhere and through any end device (this way, salespeople can use their smartphones when they are “in the field”). The system is fed with information such as contact details, products a customer has purchased in the past, products or services they have expressed interest in, offers we have made them, information about competing for offers they have received, etc.

Salesforce is considered one of the best CRM systems available, it has artificial intelligence features so that the system automatically proposes, at the ideal time, possible actions that can help you close deals.

There are several possible user packages to choose from. The most basic, at 25 euros per month, allows access to a maximum of 5 users. The most expensive package costs 300 euros per month. There is a 30-day free trial period for any package that may interest you.


A CRM system collects all communications between you and a customer, whether by email, SMS, social network, chat, forum, contact form on your website , etc.

Zoho can be used anytime, anywhere; there is an easy-to-use app that can be downloaded to a sales rep's smartphone. This system has several features that make interacting with potential customers easy and effective (including navigating to a customer's location and sending text and voice messages directly from the system). A standard package costs $12 per month and the most advanced package costs $100 per month. There is a 15-day free trial period.