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Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 6:09 am
by rh06022005
Conversions: Can’t Live with Them, Can’t Live Without Them
One incredibly popular KPI often thrown around is “conversions.” Conversions refer to any specific, measurable action that you want your visitors to take. For example:

Downloading an e-book or whitepaper
Buying a product
Subscribing to a podcast or blog
Filling out a contact form
The list goes on!
Conversions can be difficult for growth mobile phone number database marketing agencies to measure because the term itself is quite general and can encapsulate many things. That’s why conversions have to be clearly defined regularly. Otherwise, you’ll spend time and budget on trying to get higher numbers on a metric that’s irrelevant while ignoring the metrics that provide real insight into campaign performance.


Defining Conversions (What Could Possibly Go Wrong?)
Although conversions are often a critical KPI for growth marketing agencies, it can be hard to clearly define what a conversion is. As a result, many teams struggle with calculating conversions and accurately attributing value to them.

Consider doing the following to define and calculate your conversions:

Before you begin, define the problem and create a solution. Whether it’s getting more sales leads or increasing traffic to your website, define what success looks like before starting on a solution. That way, you avoid building in wasted landings pages that don’t convert well—or worse, building something no one wants at all.
Make sure everyone on the team understands the goals and ideal conversion rate percentage (CRP) for a particular campaign. This allows them each to keep focused on their specific role within the team while still being held accountable for results across the board. It also promotes the alignment that is a hallmark of marketing success.