How to evaluate the quality of a website

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How to evaluate the quality of a website

Post by samiul123 »

Entrepreneurs and managers sometimes face the need to objectively whatsapp philippines assess the quality of a commercial website. But how can you draw the right conclusions if you don’t consider yourself an expert in web development?

This article will serve as a simple and practical checklist for you.


First, let's look at situations in which you might need an objective site assessment:

1) To understand whether a redesign is needed - you admit the idea that your site is morally outdated, but do not want to make a hasty decision to develop a new version.

2) To evaluate your competitors’ website – you want to understand how successfully your closest competitors have presented their products on the Internet.

3) To evaluate the quality of the developer's portfolio - you try to choose the best contractor from several. You evaluate them by the already developed and launched web resources.

The principles of assessing the quality of a website in all three cases will be the same, but the means available for tracking the effectiveness of a web resource will differ. We tried to take this specificity into account in this article, describing both direct tracking of the return on a website and assessment by indirect criteria.

Make no mistake

First of all, let's look at how not to evaluate the quality of a website. Let's look at the three most common mistakes.

Intuitive judgment. We do not deny the existence of "professional intuition". However, it is based on subconscious conclusions based on previous experience. Therefore, if you have not previously developed many sites, then by listening to the "inner voice", you risk simply falling into "taste", making a mistake and losing money.

One-sided assessment. Remember a website that you really liked. Give yourself an honest answer: did you analyze all its components in order to form your opinion, or were you hooked by some specific details, for example, a modern design using your favorite colors? A website is the overall result of the work of a marketer, designer, SEO optimizer, copywriter. By “clinging” to some feature of the site, you evaluate the work of only one or two specialists. Your assessment is distorted and does not reflect the effectiveness of the site as a whole.
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