You receive them in your mailbox or you check them on the web, you look more or less at their content, but you always end up looking at the total amount, hoping that that is the correct amount to pay.
What if we told you that gas and electricity bills do not have to be mysteries for you? Today we will explain what a bill contains and what is the relevant information. You will see the next one with totally different eyes!
In addition, you will become familiar with the cfo email list new Naturgy bill models that will begin to circulate from October. This new bill is easier to understand, more intuitive, more organized and clearer.
In addition, since not all people are the same, nor are their rates, we have adapted the design to each client , so that they will receive only the information necessary for their particular case. With a clean and structured design , it will be very easy for you to read and understand these new bills. Shall we begin?
First things first, here are the basic details that identify the customer and the company:
At the top right appears the name of your marketing company , that's us.
Just below you will see your full name and address.
On the left side we see the invoice number, the invoice issue date and the charge date. It is very important to differentiate between these two dates to avoid confusion: one thing is when the invoice is issued and another when it will be charged to your bank account.
And to finish this section, the reference number appears . It is very useful if there is something you want to comment on a specific invoice, with this number we can identify it very easily.
2.At a glance
This section is designed so that you can see at a glance the amount to be paid and the consumption made.
First, in the box on the left, you will see the data included in the “Your bill at a glance” section , which is broken down into:
Gas or electricity, depending on the bill
In the box on the right is “Your consumption at a glance” which shows a graph. It will be very useful for comparing your consumption with previous months and keeping track of it.
Just below you will see a box in which we provide our contact details, so that you can ask us any questions you may have. You will see our website, customer service number and other useful contacts.
Below there is another box with the question: “Do you want to carry out your transactions easily?” If the answer is yes, you may be interested in discovering the facilities offered by carrying out your transactions through theCustomer Area.