What is the difference between warm, cool and neutral light?

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What is the difference between warm, cool and neutral light?

Post by pappu888 »

If you're in your work area and you can't concentrate enough, it could be because of the type of lighting. It's not that there is better or worse light, but rather it all depends on the use you're going to make of each space and the needs you have at that moment. At home, sometimes you seek tranquility and other times, to be more productive. That's why it's essential to know the difference between warm, cold and neutral light. Below, we'll tell you the keys to each type so you can make the right choice the first time.

What are Kelvin degrees?
To distinguish the three types of light accounting directors email lists we use degrees Kelvin , a unit of measurement that refers to the temperature of the light bulb. Now, although we are talking about temperature, this does not mean that cold light emits cold and warm light, heat. The key is in the color perceived by the human eye and that changes according to the degrees Kelvin.

To understand it better, you can use the image scale:

The higher the Kelvin number, the cooler the light, in terms of tones.

The fewer degrees Kelvin, the warmer.

Neutral light is found between 3,800 K and 4,500 K.

Knowing these values, it is easy to identify the type of light, but let's define each of them better and answer one of the most common questions: can they be combined at home?

What is warm light?
It is the one that is below 3,000 K and that emits a tone similar to the color amber , soft and dim , which is why it promotes tranquility . An example of warm light is that given off by a candle.

What is cold light?
Cold light is any light that exceeds 5,000 K. It is easy to recognize by its more intense, blueish tone. Being more stimulating , it is recommended for spaces where there is a lot of activity.

What is neutral light?
It is the one that is around 4,000 K and is the most similar to midday light . Therefore, if you are looking for natural lighting, this is the best option. Another characteristic is that it does not alter the perception of colors .


A home with warm, cold and neutral light
Choosing the right type of lighting for each room is one of the most important aspects of decoration. If the lighting fails, everything else can fail. With these tips, we'll help you get the best out of your home.

In the bedrooms and living room: warm light
In these environments we seek to feel comfortable, relaxed and with maximum well-being. A warm and soft type of lighting is perfect.

In the case of bedrooms, there is no need for very bright lights, except for bedside lamps, if you like to read before going to bed. In the living room, you can combine warm general

lighting and some wall lights, to highlight paintings or decorative elements. If you have a table, you can place a ceiling lamp above it to reinforce this point.

In the kitchen: cold or neutral light
Most of the time we spend here is spent preparing our favourite recipes, working with utensils and sometimes eating too. If you want to make the most of the kitchen, we recommend neutral general lighting , quite similar to natural daylight.
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