How to optimize your website's SEO III: four basic points

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How to optimize your website's SEO III: four basic points

Post by bitheerani22010 »

We have already started two posts with the same idea: setting up your website's SEO is easy , but it is hard work. Appearing at the top of search results can be done, but it requires as much effort as creating your page.

We have already seen two posts, one with the technical part of SEO and another with SEO itself . In this third part we are going to see four final ideas, perhaps the most important ones.

Doing SEO wrong can lead to Google penalties for duplicate content, keyword abuse, etc. You can get the opposite effect than you want if you follow these steps wrong. Therefore, if you are not going to read belgium phone number library follow them carefully, you may want to leave the SEO of your page in the hands of professionals . Appearing at the top of Google results is always going to be a good investment.


Steps to improve your SEO, last part
Update often . Google prioritizes new content over old content, so update often. The more you update, the more times your site will be crawled. Update at least once a week. The more often you update, the more times Google's bot will crawl your site. If you don't have time, hire someone to write for you .
Use Google tools . We have already seen this point in the technical part , but it is so important that I have to insist. Do you have a company? Use Google my business and tell Google about your company. The more you fill out, the better it will treat you. Do you know Google Website Optimizer ? It will help you test which is the best version of your page for Google. Are you looking for keywords? Google Trends . Google itself, which is the one you want to please, gives you tools to please it. Don't miss them.
Use social media . If you have content that has the potential to go viral (which is very hard to know), don't stop sharing it. If a lot of people link to you from a social network, if a lot of people share a URL of your page on their Facebook wall, or if a lot of people retweet your content, Google is going to notice you. Every link you put on a social network - even your own updates - is an inbound link to your page. That's why it pays to keep your website updated.
Help, become an expert . Help people on forums and blogs. Answer questions. If your website is, say, about IT and you answer a lot of IT questions on forums and blogs, having your website in your signature gives you a good chance of becoming known and positioned as an expert in your field, which will increase your reputation in the eyes of your users and Google. But don't spam blatantly, because it shows.
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