Characteristics of Generation

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Characteristics of Generation

Post by rosebaby865868 »

Generation Z: What Skills Are Needed to Lead Them?

Generation Z is the generation that follows the so-called Millennials and is made up of true digital natives who were born between 1995 and 2012.

There are many myths and legends that have been created around Generation Z. There are also many realities that have been made evident thanks to various studies that give us an insight into who these people are.

One of those realities is that these individuals, also called “centennials,” are already entering the workforce. For this reason, you, as a large company or startup, should begin to ask yourself how to lead Generation Z employees.

We know a lot about Millennials. Even memes spread on social media and instant messaging tell us a lot about their behavior; but what do we know about this post-millennial generation?

They were born between 1995 and 2012.
They are the true digital natives, because the network of networks has existed since they were born.
A large majority of this generation is not yet in the workforce but, as noted, they are beginning to enter it.
They have access and skills to manage everything that has to do with the Internet: messaging, social networks, notebooks, among others.
According to data from Statista 2019 , Instagram is the preferred social network of this young generation, so having a Content Marketing agency for this social network can be an advantage to offer them information that is truly relevant to them.
They cannot imagine a world without the Internet, and even less without Google as the main platform for accessing any information. This is why SEO is essential to provide them with the information that a brand wants.

In addition to all these aspects, it is important that you know some key uk b2b leads characteristics of this generation. You need to know them before understanding what skills you need to have to lead them:


They process information much faster: Millennials lived through the process of digital transformation ; on the other hand, the generation we are talking about was born with these new forms of communication. Therefore, they will not adapt to jobs that are not completely digitalized. Because they are used to platforms such as Snapchat or Vine, they process information much faster, but according to Job Today , a portal on available jobs, they lose concentration more easily than Millennials.
They are multitaskers and multi-device users: despite their lack of concentration, this generation has the ability to do several things at once and through various devices. They can start something on the computer, adjust it on the tablet and check it on the smartphone while watching stories on Instagram and responding to a message on WhatsApp.
They like teleworking and flexible working: Job Today also states that this generation is looking for jobs that allow them to balance work with other areas of their lives. Due to platforms such as Facetime and Skype, which they have grown up with, they prefer meetings where they can see each other's faces in 100% creative work environments.
They have an entrepreneurial spirit: Because they grew up in a somewhat unstable period in economic history, this generation is characterized by being self-sufficient and competitive. They can solve problems in less time and proactively, which makes them the best candidates to start an idea.
Leading Gen Z employees must be a feasible challenge, so stay with us to find out more.
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