Know what items they added to the shopping cart or wish list

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[email protected]
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Know what items they added to the shopping cart or wish list

Post by [email protected] »

One of the pillars of this resource is the ability to manage the reach of your Ads with accurate metrics. You will know how many times visitors added their payment information and other data , for which you can use pixels and know how many actions were left incomplete. Then, you can take measures to guide customers, through email or another marketing tool, to complete the purchase.

Using event logging, you can determine whether a product was added to the cart or wish list. From there, you can begin to understand which products sell the most, how often, and whether list of bolivia whatsapp phone numbers there are any frequent obstacles that prevent conversion. It is important to note that, through fragments, you can add additional data to measure in this metric.

Segmenting audiences
If you already have your target audience, this tool also helps you set up new audiences for another ad group. By doing so, you can gain valuable insights like the interests, backgrounds, and regions your current visitors come from and tailor them to your marketing goals. This way, you'll expand your target audience base to increase sales.


Analyze the leads
This code lets you know when users register, subscribe, donate, or fill out a form . This way, you can keep track of potential customers who interact with your brand. With this information, it is possible to shorten the path between a visitor and a lead. Don't forget that such a FB tool can show Ads to potential customers or users who are most likely to click, register, or buy. By segmenting, you save and invest the budget set for your campaigns well.
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