It's not much different from a casual email. The difference is how everything is structured.
To better understand how to write a formal email, here is a template to use:
(Check out how to create an email afghanistan whatsapp number data 5 million template quickly and easily here )
Subject: [Be concise and direct]
Greeting: Dear [Name] (check out our tips for writing email greetings )
Opening line: My name is [your name]. My name is [explain who you are and why it is relevant to the recipient]. I wanted to write to you today in consideration of [explain why you are writing]
Body: [State your intentions and provide a little information about yourself, as well as any additional information that is relevant, keeping the message short and to the point]
Closing line: Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.
Farewell: [Your farewell (for example: Sincerely,)]

[Your full name]
[Your professional contact information (email, phone, etc.)]
Formal Email Examples
The template above is just an example that can be used. It depends a lot on the reason why you are writing to the person and also to whom you are writing.
Below, we'll take a look at some examples depending on the situation (all names and details are entirely fictitious) that will help you better understand how to start and end a formal email.