Google Ads Script: Bulk Ads Generator

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Google Ads Script: Bulk Ads Generator

Post by mstlucky8072 »

The entry of text ads in the setup of new Google Ads accounts or the creation of new campaigns can require a considerable amount of labor. At ZEO, we are trying to make this process easier with the help of Google Ads Scripts. We wanted to share the script we prepared for this purpose with everyone.

Details are below.

The script we will share will work with the following steps:

We create our text ads in a Google Sheets file.
We also specify in a column which ad group each ad will be published under.
We copy the script and paste it into our Google Ads account.
We customize the fields that need to be edited in the script and run it.
And voila, our ads have been imported from Google Sheets to our Google Ads account.
Let's go through these steps now.

Step 1. Create Google Sheets Template
You need to copy the Google Sheets file below to your business owner database own Google Drive environment with the "Make a Copy" option. The document looks like the one below. Columns


Google Sheets Template

A to K will contain the information that our script will use. Therefore, none of the columns in this range should be deleted or changed. Columns L to R control the character limits in the ad areas. If the character limit is exceeded, the relevant cell is shown with red text color. Areas within the limits are shown in green. Column S contains the total number of character limit violations. You can delete or change the columns between L and S. It will not affect the operation of the script. The reason for these columns is to make writing text easier.

Step 2. Creating Ads in Google Sheets
When creating our ads in Google Sheets, we must follow the following rules:

All Headline fields must be filled. If any of the 3 headlines does not contain at least 1 character of text, this ad will be ignored by the script.
All Description fields must be filled. If any of the 2 descriptions do not contain at least 1 character of text, this ad will be ignored by the script.
You do not have to enter any values ​​for Path 1 and Path 2, they can be left blank. If Path 1 is left blank and Path 2 contains a value, the Path 2 value will be used as the Path 1 value when creating the ad.
At least one of the Landing Page and Mobile Landing Page fields must be filled in. Otherwise, the relevant ad will be ignored by the script and will not be created.
If the Landing Page value is empty but Mobile Landing Page is specified, the Mobile Landing Page value is used as the Landing Page when creating the ad.
No value needs to be entered for the tracking template, it can be left blank.
Ad Group ID must be specified. If the ad group number is specified, the ads will be ignored by the script.
Step 3. Copy and Edit the Script
You can access the script from the link below.js After copying the script, we need to create a new script file in the Google Ads interface by following the Tools > Bulk Actions > Script Editor steps and paste it into this file.

Script: Bulk Ad Generator

After this stage, we need to make a few adjustments for the script to work correctly. First, we need to enter the source file link and the name of the page hosting our ads. We use the following variables for this information:


If we want to run the script under the MCC -My Customer Center- account, we need to edit the following variables.

Options 2

After completing these steps, you can click on the Authorize option to perform the authorization process and then save the script.
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