8Ps of Digital Marketing Course is a Success Story

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8Ps of Digital Marketing Course is a Success Story

Post by Raihanseo120 »

22 August, 2014 @ 11:38 amby Gonçalo Sousain Digital Strategy Success Stories , Conrado Adolpho , 8 Ps Express Course , 8 Ps Method Course , Digital Marketing Courses , Digital Strategy , Digital Marketing Books , 8 Ps Methodology , Conrado Adolpho VideosLeave a comment
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If you are a small business owner who sells products via e-commerce or online services (company or self-employed professional) we have excellent news.

If you work hours and hours every day to be more effective and profitable in sweden email list your daily life with the aim of capturing new customers and increasing your revenue , then you have certainly needed valuable help at some point in your efforts.

Have you ever thought about creating a communication system with marketing strategies for your company? Have you studied marketing books to become a better entrepreneur? Have you heard of the 8ps ? Do you know what the 8ps of digital marketing are ?


If you want to be considered a reference in your market with a company that operates optimally in front of the online public, know now that the 8 Ps Method has at its origin multiple contents of interest to any entrepreneur.


In other words, anyone, whether they know a lot or a little about the Internet (or even those who have never heard of the Ps of marketing) can study the 8 Ps Method to develop a new path for their business.

But, to explain to you why we recommend the 8 Ps of Digital Marketing Course with such confidence in the return on your investment, I have to go back to the past.

8Ps of Digital Marketing Course: My Story
I am a trained journalist, but after a few years in the Portuguese print media, I joined the Marketing Department of a Portuguese SME in the security sector. In 2004, the Internet was substantially different, so I developed a new website for this company, organizing the structure and content (texts, photos and videos) in the best possible way with the existing web and following the instincts based on my knowledge of journalism and communication.

However, in the online projects I developed, I always felt that there were many flaws in the execution and, above all, there was no impact on sales. For this same reason, I tried to study digital marketing better over the years, but it was only in 2012 that I found complete information in a language that was accessible and compatible with my knowledge.


When I started studying Conrado Adolpho's book 8 Ps of Digital Marketing, things really changed. I understood all my past mistakes when I carried out internet projects for the SME where I worked, but not only that: I glimpsed a new world of communication that was captivating and totally focused on increasing results.

At the time, I clearly identified that some of my problems as an Internet entrepreneur were not knowing how to identify and create an irresistible offer, having an e-commerce that didn't deliver results, not knowing how to establish goals and metrics , not having a team or a practical method for communicating online, having a lot of lost information, not knowing how to monitor or having defined processes.

Right at the beginning of the study of digital marketing, before finding the book 8 ps and, I felt that when I looked for help on the web I quickly found too much information and lacked focus, which reinforced my feeling of “I don’t know what to do or how to do it, I’m lost”. I clearly felt that I needed a method.

In fact, after the book 8 Ps I felt it was essential to take the 8Ps Course , but there was a big problem: Conrado Adolpho only ran the 8Ps Digital Marketing Course in Brazil. By a huge coincidence, it was precisely at that time that the great digital marketing strategist opened the 8Ps Online Course (which at the time was held live with a total of 16 hours of classes).

Can you guess what happened?

8Ps of Digital Marketing Course in Portugal
Well, I learned a lot about the Internet and I really enjoyed Conrado Adolpho's course, which is why I became an entrepreneur after 1 year of studying the 8Ps Method, creating Beat Digital in 2013 according to the methodology.

And what does Beat Digital do? 8 Ps PROJECTS for SMEs!

We are the first digital marketing agency in Portugal to apply the 8 Ps Methodology ( Research , Planning , Production , Publication , Promotion , Propagation , Personalization , Precision ) created by Conrado Adolpho – .

Due to the enormous generosity and accessibility of Conrado Adolpho , our company organized the first 8ps course in Portugal with great success, as you can see in the Testimonials of the Students of Class 1 of the 8Ps of Digital Marketing Course in Portugal . Meanwhile, Conrado Adolpho established that Beat Digital is the International Partner of 8Ps , which greatly honors us and encourages us in our promotion of the.

Conrado Adolpho one day before the start of the 8Ps of Digital Marketing Course in Portugal Class 1

Naturally, Conrado Adolpho became, in addition to a great reference, a great friend, whom I publicly thank for the enormous support, encouragement and confidence that he injected (and continues to encourage) into our work.

In fact, I can really prove that the 8Ps of Digital Marketing Course works if we apply ourselves thoroughly, as I have felt its effects every day since the founding of Beat Digital . My enthusiasm for Conrado Adolpho 's techniques and tactics and the consequent study and application of have also allowed Beat Digital to develop several 8 Ps Projects for SMEs with a high degree of satisfaction.

We also recommend that you watch Conrado Adolpho's FREE 8 Ps Express Course .

And while you’re at it, check out our posts about the iJumper , Copysamurai and Agência na Prática projects by Conrado Adolpho to better understand what the other training courses offered by the author of the 8Ps Method are like .

In a few months I would love to know that after reading this text you have really decided to move forward with studying the subject with dedication.and that, as a result of this investment, your life has improved and, above all, your business has become much more profitable. Tell us your success story with the 8Ps Method by emailing [email protected]

Did you like this post? Download the free 8 Ps Methodology Ebook now.


Do you want to see my results as an iJumper?

Don't you have the 8Ps of Digital Marketing Book yet?
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