Hewitt recommends that I&O leaders

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Hewitt recommends that I&O leaders

Post by rakhirani458 »

Treat cyber storage solutions as a new mechanism for proactively protecting critical data.
Identify the risks associated with costly and disruptive storage threats, as well as rising regulatory and insurance costs, to develop a compelling business case for implementing cyber storage.
Focus on advanced capabilities in terms of cybersecurity fundamentals such as identify, protect, detect, respond and recover when evaluating cyber storage providers.
Trend #4: Liquid Cooled Infrastructure
"Liquid cooling is coming. It's already in use, but there are new forms," ​​Hewitt said, pointing to three types of solutions: rack-mount backdoor heat exchange, immersion cooling, and direct-to-chip cooling.

“Liquid cooling has evolved from cooling the broader data center environment to cooling closer to and even within the IT infrastructure,” he said. “Liquid-cooled infrastructure is still niche in terms of use cases, but will become increasingly dominant as future generations of GPUs and CPUs increase their power consumption and heat output.”

According to Hewitt, the liquid cooling infrastructure you'll likely have to deal with in the near term will be on-chip cooling, as immersion cooling isn't enough for the next generation of AI CPUs and GPUs.

He described both the pros and cons of bangladesh mobile database cooling infrastructure:

Identify use cases for liquid-cooled infrastructure to improve energy efficiency and create more sustainable technology solutions.
Evaluate the potential of multiple liquid cooling infrastructure solutions that, when combined, can provide the best value.
Assess the long-term viability of suppliers from a risk perspective and develop contingency plans in the event that a particular supplier exits the market or is acquired.
Trend #5: Smart Apps
“Intelligent applications are applications that can make decisions for themselves,” Hewitt explained. Such applications reduce the number of required interactions and interventions from the I&O service, optimize processes and usage, while reducing resource overhead.
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