History of Inbound Marketing

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History of Inbound Marketing

Post by tnplpramanik »

Inbound Marketing and its principles were created in 2006 by Hubspot, through its co-founder, Brian Halligan. Although it
emerged during this period, the foundations for the emergence of Inbound Marketing emerged in 1999. Seth Godin wrote the book
“Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers into Friends and Friends into Customers”.

In this book, Godin warns marketers to respect consumers' time and needs, that is, not to
offer products and services when consumers are not actively searching for them, waiting for the buyer to start
their journey and not trying to force them with invasive advertising.

See aention to the following four benefits.

They offer a definitive answer for those who are still not fully convinced about the importance of Inbound Marketing.

Target audience attraction

When you advertise in print media, for example, you present your brand, turkey phone number data company or solution to a heterogeneous group.

In addition to reaching people who may not be interested in what you have to offer, you will inevitably reach others who, at that moment, are not willing to pay attention to you.

In Inbound Marketing, it’s completely different.

Since potential customers come to you, the strategy ends up attracting a highly qualified audience.

In the worst case scenario, he has a need that you can meet, but he doesn't know your work yet.

He will get to know you precisely through the content you prepared for this type of visitor.

As a result, his receptiveness to your message will be much greater.

Highest Return on Investment


One of the main metrics in digital marketing is ROI , an acronym that in Portuguese means return on investment.

ROI is obtained from the relationship between the amount invested and the amount collected from the investment.

Having a higher ROI is another natural consequence of a strategy that reaches a more accurate, segmented audience that is interested in you or what you have to offer.

Returning to the example of advertising in print media, imagine the cost of a campaign in large circulation magazines.

Certainly, many more digits than an Inbound Marketing strategy.

And the worst thing is not the expense, but the poor use of the resource.

In practice, you will spend more to achieve a smaller number of conversions.

And get this: Those who prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to achieve a positive ROI .

Brand authority and trust

A strong brand is not built solely on its products or services.

Your reputation depends on how the public sees you.

And this has everything to do with Inbound Marketing, in which sales occur in a more consultative manner.

In other words, the consumer's needs are met and they also use the information you offer them to make their lives easier.

Your content is not only useful but also free.

At first glance, you don't seem to be asking for anything in return. Nor does the user feel coerced into buying.

By being relevant and making a difference in the consumer's life, how could they not give you five stars?

Measurement of results

One of the main benefits of Inbound Marketing compared to traditional marketing is the possibility of measuring the results of your actions with greater precision.

You have no way of knowing, for example, the reach of an advertisement on radio, TV or newspapers.

There is no way to find out how many sales were made from billboard advertising.

In short, you are left without very important metrics for analyzing results and correcting your strategy.

These include conversion rate, cost per lead and cost of acquisition per customer.

In Inbound Marketing, all these metrics (and many others) are available to you with immense ease.
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