In this regard, WhatsApp prohibits the use of the application for any action related to political campaigns or proselytism.
As the official WhatsApp BSP, Auronix has access to new features and list of el salvador whatsapp phone numbers functionalities of the platform, allowing businesses to develop more meaningful conversational experiences.
4. Conversational Commerce and Conversational Banking
Conversational commerce allows businesses to sell through messaging channels, generating shopping experiences through an app that customers already use.
Auronix customers will be able to create conversational commerce experiences on WhatsApp. Users can also explore products, add them to a shopping cart, and pay for them. All without leaving the chat!
Similarly, financial institutions will be able to create conversational banking experiences on WhatsApp, allowing their users to contract and use banking services by chatting.
5. Unique and omnichannel integration
In addition to the recent partnership with WhatsApp, Auronix has official partnerships with the largest messaging companies in the world.
Access to new features
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