1. An illegible and poor quality logo
2. Too many choices in the navigation menu
3. A sidebar full to bursting
4. Too few calls to action
5. Paragraphs too long
6. The presence of broken links
If you are planning to create your website, know that there are a lot of philippines mobile phone numbers database aspects that you need to pay attention to before you start if you don't want to find one of these 6 mistakes on your website.
On the internet, you have very little time to make a good first impression. It's measured in seconds. You have to make sure you don't miss your chance to get a new customer.
In this article, I propose to review the most common errors that I encounter when visiting sites. Of course, I will share with you my solutions to help you fix all this and have a more effective website.
Here are the mistakes many entrepreneurs make when they create their own website. Click and find out how to fix it.
1. An illegible and poor quality logo
First of all, know that when you start, a logo is not mandatory. It is also not essential for the creation of your site.
However, if you decide to do it yourself using a tool like Canva , no worries, just make sure to keep it clear and simple. No need to look for too convoluted or complicated stuff. If you want something more advanced, turn to a graphic designer. If an Internet user arrives on your site and the logo is of poor quality or illegible, they may turn away.
2. Too many choices in the navigation menu
How much can I repeat this advice! It's a website error that I encounter very often. Overwhelming the Internet user with a ton of information is not a good idea at all. Sometimes I see menus with pages that only contain 2 or 3 lines. It's totally counterproductive.
The question to ask yourself is: "Is having this page accessible via the menu useful for my site visitor?"
The answer is yes: go for it.
The answer is no: don't add it to the menu
You hesitate: don't add it to the menu
Limit yourself to 6 tabs. By clicking on the logo, the visitor can easily return to your home page (that gives you an extra tab available). If you feel that 6 links is too few, you can have a secondary menu in the footer of your site.
Website: 6 mistakes to avoid
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