To prepare effectively Review Your Proposal Get to know the key points of your request, such as your accomplishments, market research, and the value you bring to the company. Anticipate Questions Think about the objections your manager might raise. These might be about company budget constraints, performance feedback, or scheduling.
Prepare thoughtful responses to address these denmark whatsapp mobile phone number list concerns. Be Open to Feedback Be prepared to hear your manager's perspective. They may have additional considerations that weren't clear at first, such as company-wide policies on raises or a specific timeline for salary reviews. Be Confident but Flexible During the meeting, approach the conversation with confidence.
Be clear about why you believe a raise is warranted, but also be open to negotiation. If your manager can't approve your request right away, ask what steps you can take or milestones you can achieve to make the raise possible in the future. For example, you could say "I understand there may be budget constraints at this time.
Mention Any Positive Testimonials or
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