Types of leadership: do you know what yours is?

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Types of leadership: do you know what yours is?

Post by najmulseo2020 »

When we talk about business environments, the relationships established in the company's day-to-day activities and our behaviors directly affect the performance of teams. Therefore, the role of the leader can both bring benefits to the business and negatively affect the development of the team .

But do you know what the types of leadership are and which one you fit into? We have gathered eight of them for you to try to identify with and reflect on the type of leader you are being for your team.

Types of leadership
autocratic leader
This is the classic boss. He is the one who makes all the decisions while the team just follows his orders. This type of leadership concentrates a lot of power in the leader and ignores the opinions of other employees.

The model is still common in many companies, but with ecuador phone number lead market changes and professionals seeking fulfillment and professional growth, it has proven to be unsatisfactory, especially in terms of talent retention and productivity.

Democratic leader
In democratic leadership, balance prevails and allows each employee to have the freedom to make decisions and share ideas, but without assuming complete control of the company.

The democratic leader interacts with the team, promotes training and facilitates the work of those led. He creates an open space for debate, treating everyone equally, advising each member when necessary and recognizing merits.

Liberal leader
This type of leadership focuses more on delegating tasks. Since the team is already mature and does not depend as much on guidance, this leader trusts in each member's ability to self-manage.

However, delegating all tasks and responsibilities to a team without any supervision or guidance can harm the company's performance and results. This type of leader is unable to develop professionally and may lose the sense of authority and respect from other employees.

Paternalistic leader
In this type of leadership, the leader assumes the role of a father and can have an extremely permissive stance, as in the liberal example, or a very strict stance, as in the autocratic example.

This lack of balance can compromise professionalism towards the team or create a strong sense of dominance, which affects the freedom and self-confidence of these employees.

Coach leader
A coach leader develops the team's potential, identifies skills, talents and abilities, and encourages employees to improve themselves in the corporate environment. This type of leader needs to dedicate more time to the team's development, which can take up time for more strategic decisions.

Technical leader
This leader is respected by the team, as he works in a technical manner, knowing exactly what each employee does and has the potential to do for the company. Employees rely on this important figure to achieve the desired results, but they may feel complacent or intimidated because they believe that only the leader is capable of resolving technical issues.

Motivating leader
Motivational leadership is based on encouragement and optimism. Leaders of this type do not give up in the face of crisis situations, they encourage those around them and can easily control what is not working.

Teams managed by this leadership find a healthy work environment to express ideas and make decisions, as they trust their own ability and the manager's work.

Charismatic leader
Charismatic leadership brings lightness to the work environment, wins the appreciation of employees and ensures management with good humor and equality. This type of leader influences through example and rarely needs to use his power to ensure demands are met and his decisions are respected.

The ideal leadership
All types of leadership have benefits and problems, depending on the situation, the people involved and the company's demands. It is up to the leader to understand the aspirations, skills and needs of their employees, taking into account the company's interests.

Ideal leadership is formed by the union of characteristics from all of them, according to the situations and benefits that they can bring to the company. The most important thing is to act with sensitivity and authenticity, always considering what is best for the team and the business as a whole.
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