How (not) to run a company blog? 10 most common mistakes

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How (not) to run a company blog? 10 most common mistakes

Post by rabia43 »

Running a company blog was supposed to bring you closer to your customers, increase brand recognition, improve your company's position in search results, and prove your expertise in the industry. But something went wrong…

10. The most common mistakes made when running a corporate blog – sloppy and “angular” texts
No one reads your posts and they generate no traffic to your site. You start to think that running a company blog is pointless… I assure you – it all makes sense. Your current failure may be the result of mistakes you’ve made. Learn about the most common “blunders” that may be the reason for the lack of interest in your company blog.

1. Lack of strategy – the first nail in the blogging coffin
If you start a blog without a clearly defined strategy, you are wasting time and the opportunity for greater “visibility” of your company on the web. You will not italy telegram phone number list reach the people for whom you create products or provide services. Publishing content will not translate into a better position of your website in search results or greater interest in your offer.


What are the risks of not having a corporate blog strategy? If you don't do an audit and think about the problems that your model content recipients have, what they want to learn and what advice to give them. If you don't think about who your blog posts are addressed to and what language to use to address your readers, that's a sure-fire path to blog failure.

Lack of analysis of your blog's target group - advice: think about who you are writing for
If you don't think about a specific group of customers, the texts you publish may be, for example, incomprehensible to readers, have too formal or too casual a tone. The style and language of blog entries can encourage reading, help build a relationship with the recipient, but also scare them away.

If you run a clothing store for teenagers and young adults, you can definitely use teen slang. However, if you sell formal dresses for businesswomen, such language can effectively scare off customers.

To start a valuable blog, start by creating a persona, or a model customer for your company. Determine their age, gender, financial and marital status, lifestyle, language they speak, and shopping habits.

Writing about things that customers are not interested in – advice: check what questions they ask search engines about your offer, what your competitors are writing about
By writing about what is important only to you or by covering random topics in your blog posts, you increase the likelihood that only you will read the posts.

When running a company blog, it is important to answer the questions that customers ask most often. 38.2% of Google search queries consist of 3 to 4 words . This suggests that most of the search phrases are questions* – e.g. “how to screw in a light bulb”, “is it worth buying an iPhone”.

So if you run a furniture store, advise on the best height for a child's desk and explain whether a corner wardrobe is practical. Readers (who want to furnish their home and are looking for a new couch) will not necessarily be interested in carpentry techniques.

Boldly observe the competition. Check how companies in your industry run blogs, what they write about and how, and whether they publish photos or videos along with their entries. Analyze the results of the competition's blog, which can be helped by specialized, paid SEO tools - e.g. Ahrefs or Senuto.

Comments under posts will also be a clue for you. Their greater number may suggest that a given topic is hot and of interest to readers. This is a hint for you about what your future customers want to read about – for example, people interested in buying a new dining table. Based on this, prepare a list of topics that interest them.

This may interest you: Running a corporate blog – how to start?

2. Irregularity in publishing posts – writing a company blog “on the fly”
If you publish posts irregularly, your readers will:

they don’t know if you’re up to date and know the latest news from your industry. What happens if a customer stumbles upon your competitor’s blog with regularly published posts? They may perceive your business rival as a company offering more modern services or being more up-to-date with its product offering;
they are not sure whether you care about their interest and opinion. By publishing content on a blog, you build a bond with a potential customer. You advise them, but also allow them to add comments and participate in the discussion;
they may perceive your blog as neglected – this may negatively affect the reputation and perception of your company.
Irregular posts are the enemy of corporate blogs. Publishing three posts a week and then not posting for several months is not well received by readers. This is the “dead blog” syndrome. What is our advice? To give your corporate blog a chance at success, create a framework schedule for publishing content .

A way to deal with the lack of regularity in posting? Plan your blog posts at least a few weeks in advance. Also, decide in advance how often you will post them. Treat running a company blog as a project, the individual stages of which will be posting more posts. Popular project management applications will help you with this, such as Asana or Trello.

Prepare your company blog content in advance so that it is polished and ready to publish on the designated day. You can do this yourself or use a copywriting agency.

3. Lack of SEO optimization - creating a company blog that is not attractive to the search engine
Neglecting SEO can result in readers never (!) finding your blog. It will rank far behind your competitors in search results. This will drastically reduce the chances of anyone finding your blog.

Optimizing your blog posts for SEO is a way to make them “liked” and rank better in the search engine results. This will help them rank higher in the search results. However, there are many pitfalls in this area.
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