Take Becky Blanton for example

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Take Becky Blanton for example

Post by shapanqqcceqd »

Her story came up at one of my Entrepreneurs Organization meetings a few years ago. You may have seen her give a TED talk about how she went from being a talented writer and journalist to being homeless for a year and a half. Her story is compelling and a must-see. She developed a method based on pattern recognition, and using it, she made between five and fifty dollars a week. Every week. If I had found fifty bucks during the week, I would have thought I was out of my mind.

But for Becky, luck had nothing to do with it. She expected it. Becky created it herself by identifying patterns. Today, she not only owns her own home, but also runs a business.

When I was writing my book, The Strategy for Rapid Growth, I started thinking about the elusive luck that so often characterizes big business success stories. I was thinking about how no matter how hard I worked, how well I purchase car owner user data networked, how many books I read (or wrote, for that matter), my current business just wasn’t taking off. I’d had success in the past, but not this one, and I started to believe the theory that most entrepreneurs subscribe to: Sometimes you do everything right and still can’t make your business work. Sometimes you just can’t predict the trends that will shake up your industry. Sometimes, luck just isn’t on your side. Right?

Wrong. I was wrong. Very wrong. After hearing Becky's story, I began to change my mind about luck, and I began to look for patterns.

The Importance of Timing

Timing is one of the most underrated, yet key factors to success. As my Uncle Bill used to say, “The secret to telling a good joke is timing.” The same is true for business. Knowing when to act can make a huge difference, and with The Rapid Growth Strategy, you can start using those moments to your advantage.

Result: Industry leadership

One of your main goals is to become a leader in your industry. In the coming weeks, we will examine in detail each of the five stages of the “Rapid Growth Strategy” methodology that will help you become a leader in your industry. We will learn how to define the target market, find key trends, unite the audience, attract the first clients and scale the business.

Together we will ride the wave of success!

Localization of the material "RIDING THE WAVE - HOW TO MASTER INDUSTRY CHANGES WITH SURGE" by Mike Michalowicz, an outstanding entrepreneur and marketer. In it, Mike Michalowicz shares the main ideas from his book "Rapid Growth: Time Your Market, Ride the Wave of Consumer Demand, and Become the Leader in Your Industry".
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