Come from a relevant and authoritative website

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Come from a relevant and authoritative website

Post by sharminakter »

If you follow the right formula for earning backlinks, you can massively improve your rankings and website authority.

But be careful: low-quality backlinks can hurt your site's rankings and reputation.

The backlinks that have the most impact are those that:

Are won editorially
Are not paid or sponsored
In this article, we'll cover 11 ways to get quality backlinks, no matter what industry you're in.

1. Digital PR
Digital PR is the practice of creating linkable assets and promoting them to relevant journalists and publications. If done well, it can be an effective and scalable way to gain backlinks.

But keep in mind that you need to create resources that indonesia telegram data publications want to link to.

Here are some common examples:

Data-driven studies
Long and in-depth guides
Infographics and visuals
If you create a resource that is in-depth, compelling, and accurate, people will naturally cite you as a source.

The most interesting thing is that these links are placed editorially, which Google prefers .

And Google spokesman John Mueller says digital PR is "just as essential as technical SEO."
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