8 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Job Search

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8 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Job Search

Post by Joyzfsddt66 »

You Say “No” Too Quickly: If it doesn’t sound perfect on paper, you don’t want to waste anyone’s time, right? Wrong. If you are truly open to new opportunities, then be open. Stop finding excuses. Entertain conversations. Go on some interviews. Listen to recruiters. Sure, you might have some strange meetings or have days where you feel like you’re spinning your wheels. But, I promise, you’ll be surprised at what will come your way when you start saying “yes” more often.

You Have Unrealistic Expectations: We know you’re great. You graduated from a top school. You’ve been operating at two levels above your current one for years. You’ve recently turned down a bunch of offers from big companies. The president of the firm loves you. All might be true… but, I’ve got news for you: your five summer internships don’t translate to 5-7 years of work benin whatsapp phone number experience. Just because you graduated college doesn’t mean that you should come into a role at a manager level. And, if you’ve been doing vice president level work for three years, how come you haven’t been up for promotion at all? Everyone starts somewhere and we all have to earn our stripes. Aim high, but keep it real. Future employers aren’t responsible for your college loans or your rent, nor should they be expected to pay for the sins of your past employers. You might be stellar, but companies still have ranges and limits – and they aren’t afraid to pass on top candidates who have outrageous demands.

Your Presentation is Sloppy: Do you have misspelled words in your resume? Is your LinkedIn profile picture of you holding a beer on a beach or showing off your assets in that low-cut dress? Is your cover letter free of grammatical errors, and is it addressed to the correct person/company. Better yet, did you even submit a cover letter with your resume? This is no joke. I’ve seen it all. Before you even step foot in the door for an in-person interview, you will be judged by your online profiles, resumes and writing samples. If you are serious about a job search, make the time to proofread your application materials and clean up your online presence. It will make a world of difference.

You Are Too Cocky: You are so well-qualified (and just generally pretty amazing), that you are pretty confident that you have the job before you even have the interview. Yeah, nobody really likes that. Healthy confidence is attractive, arrogance is usually a big deal breaker. Check your overblown ego at the door and bring your humility with you to the interview. Share actual examples of relevant experience and sell yourself on your merits. Be someone you would want to work with, not the person you talk about at the water cooler.
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