Wedig Webmarketing agency in Rennes

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Wedig Webmarketing agency in Rennes

Post by jsarmin »

See Wedig's Prospecting approach
Wedig Agency :
Let's now talk about the Wedig experience. In 2017, we recruited a sales employee to develop the portfolio in a region. It is clear that since our jobs are technical, it was necessary to educate prospects before making a decision, to illustrate and provide explanations on how search engines work, social media algorithms, audience strategies, etc. All these are fascinating but highly technical subjects. Was it up to Wedig to cover this burden to educate contacts and prospects about digital jobs? No, of course not, for the sustainability of the company.

The other obstacle noted in this experience was the maturity of the projects, from 3 to 18 months to make a decision to implement a web marketing project. This means that the take-off of a portfolio should be done over a minimum period of 18 months. This represents a considerable time to amortize the commercial costs mentioned above over a long period. The purchase of digital marketing services is not a spontaneous purchase, it is necessary to personalize the recommendation (finally! With the approach we have at Wedig).

Service agency:

Last experience, that of a partner. Wanting to support its iceland phone data development, the recruitment of an advisor was validated by the partners and the profile was recruited. After 6 months of work, the observation was clear, unprofitable investment!

However, the employee seemed overwhelmed, in action, in processing files. As nature abhors a vacuum, the lack of prospects, the absence of leads , the lack of network made the salesperson's activities focus on things that were less essential and certainly not very vital for the agency. The role initially imagined for this recruitment was far from the daily life experienced by this employee who will not have developed the agency's activity.

With these 3 real examples, I want to illustrate business contexts that can be close to your issues. Of course, some sectors of activity where lobbying, representation or demonstration are essential to signing orders are not concerned by this approach.
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