Use all the extensions you have available.
Check with Analytics for elements with low CTR and high bounce rates and, if they don't convert, put them on hold.
Focus on well-defined target areas.
Create device-specific ads if mobile-friendly mode is not available .
2- Effectiveness
The Right Clicks: Optimize the Effectiveness of Your AdWords Account
Sort keywords, groups and campaigns by cost x conversion descending.
Review the items on which you norway phone number spent more than your break-even cost without getting conversions.
How to improve effectiveness
Connect your Analytics and AdWords accounts.
Track all actions of users interested in the site's content.
Pay close attention to Analytics “smart” goals.
Give Search the budget it needs for long-tail searches and then use Display.
Test landing pages.
Try remarketing, both positive and negative.
Specific improvements for Search:
In the Top 3 only keywords that convert.
Test Optimized CPC and CPA.
Display-specific improvements:
Please disable moderate and aggressive targeting settings for now.
Consider blocking non-converting placements.
Set bids for placements that are converting.
Shopping-specific improvements:
Exclude terms that contain the brand name, to insert them into dedicated campaigns.
Set your bids to be as specific as possible.
How Optimized Is Your Google AdWords Account?
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- Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2024 3:28 am