How to ensure customer loyalty through SMS marketing?

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How to ensure customer loyalty through SMS marketing?

Post by delwar709 »

Retaining existing customers costs less than acquiring new ones. At a time when customers are increasingly volatile and competition is fierce in all markets, it is essential for companies to implement loyalty actions if they want to sustain their business. Zoom in on SMS marketing, the essential tool for retaining your customers. What is customer loyalty? Loyalty is acquired by establishing a relationship of trust, proximity and transparency with your customers. A loyal customer is a customer who is permanently attached to your brand , your values, your products or your services.

This attachment can be preferential or exclusive. It is appropriate to distinguish several types of loyal customers: The satisfied customer : he is happy with his experience and the quality of your products, which is why he buys and uses them. However, he is not necessarily loyal, because as soon as one of your competitors makes a better offer, he is likely to leave you. The local customer : they buy your products because your brand is close to their home. The price-loyal customer : they are attached to your low prices. The customer who loves gifts : he is loyal because you regularly send him promotional offers. The truly loyal customer : he loves your brand, your values ​​and your products.

He does not hesitate to talk about it around him, thus transforming himself into a true ambassador of your brand. This loyal customer can also get into the habit of interacting with you via social networks for example. Finally, he is convinced of the quality of your products and shares his experience by writing reviews under the product sheets of your website, on Google uk telegram database or by publishing posts on social networks. Why choose SMS marketing to build customer loyalty? Sending loyalty SMS allows companies to: continue to regularly deliver value to their customers in a simple and rapid manner; create a regular link with their customers; communicate in a direct, targeted and instantaneous manner ; establish a lasting relationship of trust through a non-intrusive communication tool; generate immediate interest from their customers with a short, to-the-point message. With an exceptional opening rate of 96%, SMS is the most reliable communication channel .

Conversely, the opening rate for emails is only 18.39%. Using SMS to communicate with your customers regularly allows you to set up an effective loyalty program and be sure that your messages will be seen. In addition, SMS is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to communicate en masse and all at a lower cost. Finally, SMS is a flexible communication channel that offers many possibilities: simple SMS, enriched SMS (clickable link that redirects to a dedicated landing page), RCS (integration of images, photos, videos and more...).
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