But the positive trend is seen not only

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But the positive trend is seen not only

Post by ritu800 »

According to J'son & Partners Consulting (report "Mobile and Fixed-Line Convergence (FMC) in the World and in Russia: Current Status and Prospects", 2015), during 2010-2014, the number of corporate FMC users in Russia grew by an average of 22% per year - and as a result, by the end of 2014, the total FMC subscriber base reached approximately 200 thousand combined mobile and fixed-line numbers, and by the end of 2018, the agency's analysts predicted an increase to more than 300 thousand. This was primarily due to the changed economic situation in the country and a change in priorities among telecom industry players, forcing operators to look for new business models - including in the convergent services niche.

What is FMC? 200 and even 300 thousand france email list users - of course, for now these are only small shares of the total number of corporate users of fixed and mobile communications services. - and not even so much - in the growth of the subscriber base, but in the appearance on the market of an increasing number of players and, accordingly, a greater variety of offers. What is meant by the term FMC? In various sources, Fixed Mobile Convergence is considered as: — (definition recorded by Wikipedia) a technological solution at the junction of different types of communication networks, which allows the creation of a single network of office and mobile phones with a common short numbering plan; — the organization of the internal corporate network itself with uniform rules for managing calls on office and mobile phones; — (marketing definition) an operator service that combines fixed and mobile communications with a convenient and economical single number plan.

In general, FMC is now considered the initial milestone of the Unified Communications segment, which will include not only voice communications, but also other types of services: video conferencing, collaboration, etc. Benefits of Merging Fixed and Mobile Telecommunications The advantages of the FMC service, arising from its technological and organizational specifics, include the following: — Convenient communication between fixed and mobile devices in the corporate network based on short (with a prefix) internal numbers; including the creation of a forwarding algorithm. As a result — more effective communications, faster business decision-making. — Inclusion of remote employees into the general corporate network, the ability to quickly deploy a “field” office without additional communication costs.
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