7000 tools to succeed in your B2B marketing and sales strategy

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7000 tools to succeed in your B2B marketing and sales strategy

Post by tonmoypramanik »

To lead an effective B2B marketing and sales strategy, it is important to address many challenges:

Properly reference your website in search engines ;
Communicate well on social networks ;
Create effective emails ;
Write high value-added content ;
Generate Leads ;
Feed your leads’ purchasing thinking ;
Convert leads into customers ;
Build customer loyalty and turn them into ambassadors ;
To successfully overcome them, it is important to use the right tools. And there, you have the choice!

I just read an article on an American blog which presented a list of 7000 tools to use to luxembourg email list succeed in your marketing and sales strategy.

I may disappoint you, but I do not intend to reprint it here or even give you the link to read it because this article is of no interest. Here is why.

Succeeding in your Marketing and Sales strategy means knowing how to limit the tools
When I launched the agency in 2013, I used dozens of tools for myself and my clients to communicate well on social networks, create content, generate leads and convert them into customers.

After a few months, I realized that the multiplication of tools was not relevant in a marketing and sales strategy.

Multiplying tools is wasting time
Very often, I meet marketers or business leaders who tell me that they do not have the time to carry out an effective marketing and sales strategy.

They don't have time to create content, to communicate on social networks, to create quality emails.

Lack of time is one of the biggest challenges according to marketers.

the challenges of communicating well on social networks in B2B

When we look at the daily lives of these marketers, we realize that 24 hours in a day are not enough.

I know what I'm talking about, I went through this too at the beginning of the agency.

I'm sure this scenario will speak to you:

Every morning, you log into each of the social networks you manage to respond to comments and publish your posts.

You then connect to the management interface of your website to feed it.

During the day, you also use Google Analytics to track the performance of your actions, you access your Emailing tool, your CRM, etc.

You use other more exotic tools to offer a chat room on your website or generate leads.

You get impatient when the platforms you use slow down. When you add them up, you lose valuable hours every month.

I've been there and trust me, it's not the solution!

Multiplying tools means multiplying risks
By multiplying the number of tools, you increase the risk of missing out on contacts and business opportunities.

I can no longer count the number of companies that have admitted to me that they don't know how many leads they generate each month and, worse, have admitted that they have already missed contact requests.

It's completely natural.

The more tools you use, the more complicated reporting becomes.

You use multiple accounts, multiple email addresses, multiple types of forms that you can't humanly check everything without error.

This is why I decided to limit my use of marketing and sales tools.

I needed a more effective solution to demonstrate the return on investment of my actions to my clients.

Multiplying tools means multiplying costs
No need to elaborate on this point, it certainly speaks to you: individually, the tools you use do not cost much. All together, the bill is steep.
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