4 Incredible B2B Website Design Examples That Convert

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4 Incredible B2B Website Design Examples That Convert

Post by Shakhawat »

Conversion optimization! Because your website is likely to be the first impression a prospect has of your brand, it’s important to have a site that is optimized to drive leads through the funnel by following website design best practices.

Check out these 4 examples of B2B website designs that feature intuitive website navigation, persona-driven architecture and clear conversion paths — made entirely with the user experience in mind.

uses website navigation best practices to optimize for conversion.

Each navigation category is easy to understand and features clear moj database naming conventions that are free of jargon. Their navigation hierarchy is intuitive and logical, and it features an opportunity to convert through a bottom of the funnel opportunity. Plus, it’s sticky — meaning that no matter where their visitor scrolls, the navigation menu will follow!

These navigation best practices will help ensure that your visitors are able to find the information they need quickly while keeping in mind that they may be in different stages of the buyer journey.

optimizes conversion through persona-driven architecture.

Here’s what we mean by persona-driven architecture: website allows visitors to self-segment and easily find content that they are looking for. This helps drive conversion by guiding visitors to relevant content that they’re more likely to convert on.

These personas should be determined before you begin designing your website. By taking the time to develop your personas, you will have a better understanding of what each persona values and how that can be translated onto your website. Tailoring content to personas is a driving force of inbound marketing — keep this in mind when you create your architecture and outline your conversion paths.
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