telegram bot benefits

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telegram bot benefits

Post by rakibhasan542 »

Also, the bot should be functional and useful for the user, i.e. it should be created not only to collect contacts. It is clear that we want to sell through the bot, but it should also be useful. The functionality of the bot is that a person enters the bot, clicks on useful materials and is given some useful material. And in that post there is a button with a menu, it is important for a person to return to the block where he was. This relates to the ease of use of the bot. That is, all blocks should be interconnected.

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Why is it important to advertise a post in a channel, and not just a link to the channel? When we advertise a channel without linking it to a specific post, the user gets to the newest post. That is, he enters the channel, sees the latest post, but this post can have different conversion depending on what day it was posted. For example, on one day the conversion to subscription is 50%, on another - 10%, and this makes our tests very unstable. That is, you can forget about A/B testing here. It is important to advertise specifically for a specific post. Based on experience, we have identified the structure of such a post:


Introduction-acquaintance. When a person gets to our channel, he knows absolutely nothing about us, we must briefly tell about ourselves, who we are.
Benefits, advantages, pain management. Here we describe what we offer
Culmination. This means that we smoothly lead a person to the target action. The first is subscribing to the channel, the second is registering on the landing page, going to the bot, etc.
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